Certificate of Excellence TripAdvisor | I Eat Food Tours

Certificate of Excellence 2019 TripAdvisor
We made it!!!! 🍾🤗🥂🎆🎉🍀
The last november we got the Award of Best Food Tour Company in Piedmont 2019 by @travel_awards and the Certificate of Excellence by @tripadvisor today…🍀🎆🍀
It all started a little over year ago.
We were hyper enthusiastic due to our new vibrant and tasty adventure…
We’ve started without expectations.
The ‘only’ goal was do something really great- which could reppresents who we are- be happy and make other people happy; simple –apparently- and effective.
Well, we could’t have been more pleased to have left our ‘safe’ job (btw, do you believe in a ‘safe’ job?!) and career (career mostly means no freedom, and we are freedom addicted) for something that is not just a job but a true passion for both.
This award is for every single person that believed in us from the very beginning.
Starting from the first guests who booked our street food tour deluxe https://ieatfoodtours.co.uk/tour/street-food-tour-torino/
when we hadn’t reviews yet. Just out of “the good feeling looking at your website”- they told us.
A hugeeeee Thank You for every single guest who then has joined I Eat Food Tours and appriciated our experiences, taking time for writing a note on TripAdvisor.
When we read your reviews we often get emotional… Some of you have written such beautiful words!
Without you, dearest guests and friends, none of this may really exist.
We are grateful for you.
And we do love You!
We would love to Thank our families too. When we stared they maybe thought we were a bit crazy, however they have always supported us.
What about our partners? If we have chosen them it’s because they deserve it:)
We are happy.
More than ever.
Ad maiora Semper 🎉🎆🍀🥂🥐
Cecilia and Abram