Travel Coaching for Brave Women | A Garden Room of One’s Own Project

What is the main purpose when you travel into a destination?
I personally look both for inspiration and inner transformation.
I like starting a new travel diary on every trip and taking notes about places, people, feelings and little magical things happened along the way.

Soulful Travel Coach
My latest travel brought me to a city very close to my heart for long time: The Eternal Roma.
It was unique to immerse myself into its timeless beauty and uncommon quiet atmospheare (due to the pandemia there are so very few tourists in Italy right now…).
I had the extraordinary privilege to meditate in places that usually are super crowdy and also time enought for unplanned explorations- my favourites!
Yes, I love finding magical and surprising spots out of the map and I wish you all to find some unexpected beautiful places to amaze your senses wherever you will go.

Inspirational Retreat for Soulful Travelers
Perhaps something like this fantastic corner of fairy tale in the heart of Rome: awesome hidden example of urban nature and restorative oasis just a step away from the famous Piazza di Spagna (can you believe it?).
Needless to say I felt for this kind of Eden garden and also I immediately thought about the legendary book “A room of one’s own”, by talented Virginia Woolf, that has always been a great source of inspiration for me.
And so, all of a sudden, a new ispirational idea pushed to come out of the closet..

Hidden gems of Rome. Join me in my Brand New Travel Coaching Project
This secret gem infused with uniqueness, and perhaps the spirit of Virginia Woolf, inspired my brand new Travel Coaching Project for brave women.
I know from experience ( I was one of them in the past) that there are billions of women out there ready to show up as a colorful and magnificent flower in a green meadow. Skilled, talented and caring beautiful women who would make everybody fall in love with them… if they just would be able to LOVE THEMSELVES FIRST.
I am writing with capital letters because that’s the key to be the star of your own life: lovin yourself. Madly!
For many women though this sounds like a really big deal.
They need some support and guidance to fall in love with themselves and consequentely shine unapologetically.
I would be honored to help you with this and to create with you -and for your Unique You – a transformative journey made of significant and impactful moments and deep and lasting changes, eventually.
Yes, because that’s the good news: your ‘wow moments’ on the road can become revolutionary changes back home!
It’s about connecting your inner magic with the most magical side of the places you are going to discover. It’s about connecting yourself with the special and unique Eden Garden within you and manifesting this incredibly beautiful oasis of love, inspiration and greatness wherever you will go.
You don’t need to travel far away to find this place of unconditional peace and beauty. Most of the time this secret room of one’s own lies within you.
Of course, being immesed in some very special places will help and speed up the process, as much as having someone who helps you to reconnect yourself with the divine within You and design an extraordinary and revolutionary travel adventure for you.
I would love to be that person…
As much as I would love to tell you more about “A green room of one’s own’ Project”.
If you are a woman and you want to elevate your personal growth, to discover your inner talents, to find creative energies, or even to make yourself ready for a revolutionary life’s change going through an apologetical travel experience, please write me a mail and tell me about yourself, about your life, your goals, your dreams…
Tell me anything you like.
The second step would be join a 40 minutes free Zoom session where we can get to know each other a little more and see how we can make something amazing togheter.
Can ‘t wait to read from you… and to meet you (virtually and perhaps in person too: who knows?)
My name is Cecilia and I am an Italian sociologist, life coach and expert in Travel & Event Management.
I usually define myself as a social entrepreneur- living a soulfulpreneur life.
I was born with a deep rooted social conscience and tons of creativity, which both brought me to choose “transformation & inspiration” as the keys of my life.
Art, books, nature, people, tales, different cultures, inspiring thoughts… are my daily heart, soul and mind food.
My background includes a diverse set of interests, such as writing, travelling, planning, education, coaching, gastronomy… World is plenty of such interesting things to explore!
And so in 2017 I decided to built my own business and to connect my talents and my biggest passions with my entrepreneurial mind.
I launched – and Co-Founded with my talented husband- I EAT. Food Tours & Event Planning with the aim to connect people from across the world through an out of this world culinary and travel experience infused with uniqueness, in which I share creative methods and holistic approaches.
I am proud to tell you that Love is the Foundation of my business and all the services I offer resonate with my artistic and unconventional way of approaching things.
““IF I WAS…”
Have you ever tried to describe yourself playing at “If I was a…”?
If not yet, you should try it!
Trust me, you’ll be surprised about how funny this kinda game really is! And how it helps you to increase your creative thoughts, btw.
And so: let’s get it started now!
If I were a name I would be Cecilia 😉
If I were a number I would be 9
If I were an object I would be a secret diary (and a carillon!)
If I were an animal I would be a black female cat with green eyes
If I were a dog I would be my beloved French bulldog Khaleesi
If I were a book I would be “A room of One’s own” by Virginia Woolf
If I were a song I would be “La Cura” ~ “The Cure” by a great Italian singer, Franco Battiato
If I were a dish I would be spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce and lots of basil! Or eggplant parmigiana. YUM :d
If I were a sweet I would be a colorful mini cupcake
If I were an erb I would be basil
If I were a flower I would be an orange tulip
If I were a shop I would be an historic tea room with library or a tiny tiny cakes & chocolate house.
If I were a color I would be royal blue and shine pink togheter
If I was a city I would be Edinburgo
If I was an Italian city I would be Rome (so obvious :D)
If I were a month I would be April (I actually am April. Love every month of the year, tough).
If I were a skill I would be resilience.
If I were a manga I would be Georgie.
If I were a TV Serie I would be Vikings.
If I were a writer I would be Virginia Woolf.
If I were a famous sociologist (and philosopher) I would be Z. Bauman
If I were a psycologist I would be Sabina Spielrein.
If I were a painter I would be Francine Von Hove.
If I were an actress I would be Maryl Streep.
If I were a pop star I would be Lady Gaga.
If I were a Diva I would be Marilyn Monroe or Elizabeth Taylor.
Oh boy, I could go on and on with this game!
Anywho, again, you should try it one time and then let me know 🙂 Now seriously, if you’d like to read more about my educational path & job career here’s a full blog post where I tell you almost everything about both.
Hope you’ve enjoyed the reading so far. And to hear from you soon.
Take care of yourself.
With Love,