Pancakes Time! Handmade Pancakes By Chef Abram

Pancakes… The world itself expresses deliciousness.
Not to mention the wonderful smell that feeds your heart while prepering this all the time good food!
As a matter of fact, whether it’s for breakfast, brunch, lunch -or even dinner- pancakes always make you smile. That’s why they are for us in the category Happy Meals!
About pancakes I love that you can play with so many different topping, making them even more irresistible and lovely to look at.
Play with the ingredients: delicious and colorful toppings
If you like to play with colors and ingredients while you’re cooking (and I guess you like it) then you’ll have lots of fun making every time new exquisite toppings for your happy pancakes.
Chef Abram knows me very well and he knows I love berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries…) so much. And colors as well♡
So blueberries and mascarpone cream were the deep purple color of today’s topping.
If am I happy to have married a chef? Yes, I AM!
Enjoy the recipe and share it with someone who adore these delight as much as we do. 🙂
INGREDIENTS for 20 small pancakes
200 gr of all use flour;
4 eggs;
175 ml of milk
250 gr of mascarpone;
30/50 gr sugar (accordingly with your taste);
Salt (to taste);
1 lemon;
200 gr blueberries;
Lieves of fresh mint for decoration.
1.In a large bowl mix togheter the flour, 2 whole eggs and 2 eggs yolks (save 2 eggs whites for later);
2. Add the milk to it, until smooth.
3. Mix the egg whites with 25 gr of sugar, until you get a very thick mixture;
4. Incorporate your mixture of egg whites to the pancake one and mix everything until smooth; let it rests for 15 minutes.
5. Heat a frying pan over medium high heatighly and start baking your Pancakes;

Work in progress
6. Brown on both sides (1 minute each side) till the color becomes golden brown;

Natural and Beautiful.
7. Serve your pancakes hot along with a nice topping.
1.Mix the blueberries in a blender (of course you can also choose some other fruit, like strawberries or blackberries);


Blueberries II Act
2.Add your blueberries mix into the mascarpone and stir until you get a purple velvet cream;
Blueberries meet the Mascarpone Cream

Purple Gelato Wannabe 😉
Your Topping is now ready to make your pancakes colorful and very delicious.
It’s now time to fully enjoy your beautiful and happy food!

Pancakes for Breakfast (or lunch. Or dinner!)
Thanks for reading and see you soon with other recipes by Chef Abram 🙂
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