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Blogs By Cecilia

Chef Abram’s Kitchen

Cooking Class with Chef Abram. A slow food adventure with the College of Charleston, Usa

Cooking with Chef Abram. Bespoke Culinary Classes in Turin offered by I EAT Food Tours and Events Cooking with Chef Abram: A Culinary Journey with the College of Charleston and CEPA Study Abroad.   In an experience that combined education, travel, and gastronomy, 20 students from the College of Charleston embarked on an unforgettable culinary…

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May 29, 2024

Turin Market Tour and Cooking Class | I EAT Food Tours

A feast of edible colours. Turin markets and cooking class. I EAT. Food Tours Hi, everyone and welcome to our culinary journey! I’m Cecilia, and today I’m delighted to introduce my guest host, Abram, a talented Michelin-starred trained chef with a deep appreciation for local and seasonal ingredients. Together, we’ll dive into the vibrant world…

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April 27, 2024

Lemon Blueberry Baked Cheese Cake. Embrace the Summer Vibes with Chef Abram

As the sun stretches its golden arms, kissing the earth with warmth and promise, there’s an undeniable excitement in the air – summer is upon us! And what better way to welcome the season of sun-kissed adventures and vibrant flavors than with a tantalizing treat straight from the heart of Italy? Cooking with Chef Abram….

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April 3, 2024

TAJARIN VIOLA. ‘Don’t worry, be purple’- Ricetta by Chef Abram

Ciao a tutt* e bentornat* sul nostro blog. Oggi vorrei condividere con voi una ricetta semplice ma ricca di gusto, da realizzare con pochi ingredienti dalla grande personalità. Chef Abram ha creato qualche tempo fa il piatto che sto per presentarvi in occasione di un photoshooting firmato Fabrizio Cicconi e Francesca Davoli. Ebbene, mentre lo…

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January 9, 2023


SWORD FISH SANDWICH WITH GUACAMOLE & MANGO. To brighten up your mid-August, I have prepared for you a quick, healthy recipe, overflowing with taste and bright colors… In just three words: Perfect-Food-Porn . For that’s the way I like it! Sandwich with grilled swordfish, guacamole, tomato and mango. It is beautiful, it is good, it is healthy….

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August 15, 2022

Cooking Events. Team Building Experience | I EAT Food Tours

Virtual Cooking Events:  delicious team engagement experiences. Virtual Events, as much as the In-person ones- are about human beings gathering together for sharing common goals and values. For creating community and connections. And so what’s one of the most powerful, transformative and inspirational tools that helps generating and nurturing a sense of belonging? Well, I…

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November 27, 2021

Virtual Cooking Class. Valentine’s Day | I EAT Food Tours

Valentine’s Day is coming. Celebrate your love with a special Virtual Cooking Class with Chef Abram, live from Italy! VIRTUAL COOKING CLASSES: FUN AND DELICIOUS VALENTINE’S GIFT IDEAS! February has almost came and it’s gonna be all about hearts, chocolate treats and special dinners, in the tradition of the month of love. When we think…

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February 2, 2021