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Blogs By Cecilia

Things to see in Piedmont

Langhe Region, Piedmont | A Culinary and Wine Lover’s Paradise

Embracing the powerful energies of Nature in Piedmont. Discover the Langhe Region: A Culinary and Wine Lover’s Paradise Nestled in the heart of Italy’s Piedmont region, the Langhe area is a treasure trove for food and wine enthusiasts. Famous for its rolling hills, medieval castles, and, most importantly, its exceptional wines and culinary delights, the…

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July 2, 2024

Torino Auto Museum: Epithome of Italy’s Industrial Capital

Do you know that Torino hosts one of the oldest Automobile Museums in the world? Iconic FIAT 500   Originally established in 1932 by Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia- one of the founders of Fiat and pioneer of Italian motoring – The National Automobile Museum is one of the oldest Automobile Museums in the world. Italy’s…

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June 24, 2023

Searching for Italy. Stanley Tucci discovering Torino & Piedmont

Many fascinating and relatively unknown Italian destinations began to get the attention they deserve, since CNN aired the famous tv series Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy. Well, I couldn’t have been more happy to know about Tucci visiting Turin (Torino in Italian) and putting this fabulous city under the spotlights. Torino. The former Italian capital…

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January 7, 2023

Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy. Alla scoperta di Torino e del Piemonte.

Da quando la CNN ha mandato in onda l’ormai nota serie televisiva Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy, molte destinazioni del bel paese ancora sconosciute ai più hanno cominciato ad ottenere l’attenzione che meritano. Una di queste destinazioni è senza dubbio la nostra amata e splendida Torino. Torino. The former Italian capital and gem of Northern…

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January 5, 2023

Vicoforte Sanctuary in Piedmont. Trascendental Experience.

Nothing is waste. It all returns to the great source of creation between hearth and sky. Vicoforte Sanctuary, Piemonte. Photo Credits: I Eat. Food Tours and Event Planning The immense elliptical dome of the Vicoforte Sanctuary, in Piedmont, is my personal tribute to the immensity of one of the most extraordinary Italian songwriters: Franco Battiato….

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May 19, 2021

The History of Turin’s Best Coffee Houses | La Dolce Torino

The History of Turin’s best Coffee Houses Since the early 17th century Turin is famous for chocolate, which we have to name in one breath with Turin’s historic coffee houses. In the capital of the Piedmont region, you can enjoy chocolate treats and tasteful coffee in charming historical settings. Turin’s oldest cafes all have great…

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March 31, 2021